Reasons to be a Sponsor:

  • You can help hundreds of people of all ages learn to appreciate the joy of paddling, and the beauty of the Mississippi River.

  • The 2nd annual Paddle Weekend in 2023 had over 200 people enjoy the beauty of the Mississippi River. They paddled over 11,000 miles in six different events and came from 18 states and Canada. Be a part of the 3rd annual event which we expect to be even bigger!

  • Support the volunteers: In 2023, over 90 volunteers gave over 700 hours of time to make the experience safe and fun.

  • In 2023, over 300 people came to the Mississippi River Community Festival (formerly the “Post Paddle Party”) at Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park.

  • Support our growth: Almost 100% of surveyed participants said they were either probably or for sure coming back for the 2024 paddle weekend. 

  • Support new paddlers: Over 50% of participants had never paddled on the Mississippi River before. 

  • Attract attention: Two Paddles’ Facebook page has a reach of over 75,000 in 2023 and is growing daily, with over 1000 people who have ‘liked’ the page. Two Paddles’ website had over 8,800 unique visitors in 2023. 

  • Be part of event media: In 2023 the event was featured in the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer and was filmed for an upcoming episode of the TV show Minnesota Bound. In 2022, the event was featured in an article in the Star Tribune and the Brainerd Dispatch

Title Sponsor–1Mississippi is the Title Sponsor for 2024

Your organization or business could be the exclusive title sponsor of the entire Mississippi River Paddle Weekend. Contact Two Paddles to discuss if you are interested. Benefits include all the benefits of the $1000 level plus:

  1. Your organization’s name/logo on the main page of our website as well as the sponsorship page.

  2. Your logo on the inflatable archway (see picture on this page).

  3. Your organization will be listed as the Title Sponsor on the pinned post on our Facebook page.

  4. Your organization’s name/logo on the race t-shirt as the title sponsor. This is the most prominent sponsor name/logo on the t-shirt.

  5. Opportunity to share your message at the Awards Ceremony.

  6. Your organization referred to as the Title Sponsor during each pre-race meeting and at the awards ceremony

  7. Choice of location for a booth to promote your organization at the Mississippi River Community Festival

  8. This sponsor may choose to include their name in the name of the event OR be listed following the words “presented by” after the name of the event.

Event Sponsor–$1000*

    Your organization or business could be the exclusive sponsor of one of the six events (the MR 150, 48, 25, 10, High School Paddle Challenge and/or MR 7.5 Tour) that comprise the Mississippi River Paddle Weekend. Benefits include all the benefits of the $500 level plus:

  1. Your organization’s name/logo prominently featured on the Event Overview, Rules and Paddler’s Guide pages for the event that you are sponsoring and on the sponsorship page.

  2. Your logo on the inflatable archway (see picture on this page)

  3. Your organization’s name/logo on the race t-shirt, 2nd in size only to the Weekend Title Sponsor. 

  4. Your organization’s spoken of as the official event sponsor at the start of the event and during the awards ceremony at the Mississippi River Community Festival.

Major Sponsor–$500*

Your organization or business could be a major sponsor of the Mississippi River Paddle Weekend. Benefits include:

  1. Your organization’s name/logo on the race t-shirt. 

  2. Your organization’s name/logo listed on the sponsorship section of the website. 

  3. Your organization featured in a post on our Facebook page. 

  4. Your logo on a banner/poster(s) at the Mississippi River Community Festival.

  5. Opportunity to have a booth to promote your organization at the Mississippi River Community Festival. Location preference granted based on the date of becoming a sponsor.

Supporting Sponsor-$250

Your non-profit or small business could be a supporting sponsor of the Mississippi River Paddle Weekend.

Benefits include:

  1. Your organization featured in a post on our Facebook page. 

  2. Opportunity to have a booth to promote your organization at the Mississippi River Community Festival. Location preference granted based on the date of becoming a sponsor.

* Up to half of your sponsorship may be given as in-kind contributions (if you have an in-kind donation please contact race organizers to see if what you have to offer is something we can use).

Presenting Sponsor—contact organizers for details

Your organization or business could be the presenting sponsor of the entire Mississippi River Paddle Weekend. Contact Two Paddles to discuss if you are interested. Benefits include all the benefits of the $1000 level plus:

  1. Your organization’s name/logo on the main page of our website as well as the sponsorship page.

  2. Your logo on the inflatable archway (see picture on this page).

  3. Your organization will be listed as a Presenting Sponsor on the pinned post on our Facebook page.

  4. Your organization’s name/logo on the race t-shirt as a Presenting sponsor. This is the 2nd most prominent sponsor name/logo on the t-shirt.

  5. Opportunity to share your message at the Awards Ceremony.

  6. Your organization referred to as a Presenting Sponsor during each pre-race meeting and at the awards ceremony

  7. Prime location for a booth to promote your organization at the Mississippi River Community Festival

  8. This sponsor will be listed following the words “presented by” after the name of the event (along with the Title sponsor if they have chosen that option).

  9. The Presenting Sponsorship is non-exclusive.

Become a 2024 Sponsor!